Now is the best time to be involved in this industry!
As recently as five years ago Property Preservation / REO was the business of only a few hardy private contractors, working mostly in large metropolitan centers. Now, there are dozens of nationwide companies, thousands of regional companies, and hundreds of thousands of independent contractors working on millions of properties. This industry is involved in every city and town, as well as in rural farmlands and mountain retreats.
Maybe you are hard at work in the field, perhaps you're just getting started, or it's possible that you are just beginning to investigate this business to see if it's right for you. We want to assist you in becoming a Property Preservation / REO specialist of the highest caliber.
This website, is here to help educate you, encourage you, and enhance your skills. We have learned what the banks want, how much they will pay for various jobs, where the profits are the highest, and how to be most efficient in the use of our time and money. We've learned when to hire people and when not to hire people. We can help you to understand some of the finer points of mortgage law and of the standards required by HUD. There's a lot to learn, and it is our aim that you can make this your one source to find all of the answers.
We certainly don't know it all, but what we do know we're willing to share. If you'd like to subscribe to our periodic newsletter — P 'n' P Pro — and get some helpful industry info, just fill out the simple form below.
Now, while we have learned a lot about this business, we don't have all the answers. So, throughout this website we also offer you the opportunity to add your experiences and expertise to the community of contractors and business people who frequent this website. We invite you to tell us your stories: what you've struggled with and how you've found solutions.