A Roof Tarp Must Be Done Right

A roof tarp is of primary importance if the property preservation contractor arrives at a property that has an active roof leak. Some clients, in fact, give authority to the contractor to immediately proceed with a tarping of the roof if there is an active roof leak. Others require the contractor to first obtain a bid approval before tarping a leaking roof.

The Essential Elements Of Properly Tarping A Roof

Placing a tarp on a roof is clearly not performing a permanent roof repair. It is, in fact, according to HUD, a 30-day remedy until the roof can be permanently restored. Even though this is true, tarps on homes in foreclosure are often left much longer than 30 days.

These are the critical issues for a properly-tarped roof:
     1) Use a blue tarp
     2) Nail it in place with thin strips of wood (lath)
     3) Nail the wood strips all around the perimeter as well some diagonals on the interior field
     4) The upper edge of the tarp must extend beyond the ridge
     5) The tarp must be secured tightly around chimneys and roof vents/jacks
     6) Secure the tarp so that the wind will not catch it

Before & After Photos

Special Notes For A Roof Tarp

When the tarp must go over a chimney or tall roof jack, the tarp cannot lie flat and loses its rectangular shape. To remedy this, cut a hole in the tarp where there is a protrusion from the roof. Then secure a smaller piece of tarp over the chimney or roof jack.

Make sure you take at least these photos:
     • Before - before you remove debris and clean the surface
     • Before - with the roof clean and ready to be tarped
     • After - the roof with the tarp secured, taken from the same place as the before photo
     • Make sure your after photo(s) show that the tarp extends over the ridge

In addition to performing a roof tarp for an active roof leak, look for standing water in the basement or crawlspace.